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This style of template is for collating a year's list of episodes into a table sortable by date and other notable SGU episode features. The column headers for episode features are listed left to right in order of the typically most common occurrence. That is, the most common episode feature is at least one special "non-news" segment, followed by a SoF game with a theme, followed by interviews and guest Rogues.

Previous year: 2022 - Episodes 860-912

Following year: 2024 - Episodes 965-1016

Hide episodes  2023 [↑]   (Episodes 913-964)
Ep. Date Sts. Non-News Segment(s) SoF Theme Interview Guest Rogue(s)
964 12-30 Ready for proofreading 2023 Year in Review News items from past episodes - Ian Callanan, SGU tech-guru
963 12-23 Ready for proofreading Live from NotACon 2023
Quickie with Steve
"That was definitely paranormal!"
Extinction - Eli Bosnick,
comedian & podcaster
962 12-16 Ready for proofreading Potent Quotables
Phone scams follow-up
Milestones in 2023 Jessica McCabe, YouTuber -
961 12-09 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - - -
960 12-02 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Steve Mushrooms - -
959 11-25 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? - - -
958 11-18 Ready for proofreading Swindler's List - - -
957 11-11 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week Technology James Burke, science historian -
956 11-04 Ready for proofreading Global Warming Policy
Dragon Con reflections
Fan conventions - Christian Hubicki,
professor of robotics
955 10-28 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? - - -
954 10-21 Ready for proofreading Swindler's List Infectious disease - -
953 10-14 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - Dan Friesen and Jordan Holmes,
from the Knowledge Fight podcast
952 10-07 Ready for proofreading Nobel Prizes 2023 The Nobel Prize Lars Martin, TRIUMF physicist -
951 09-30 Ready for proofreading Misinformation discussion - - -
950 09-23 Ready for proofreading - Climate Change - -
949 09-16 Ready for proofreading Live from Dragon Con 2023
The Future of Robotics
Robotics - Christian Hubicki,
professor of robotics
948 09-09 Ready for proofreading - Negative results Anna Blakney,
professor of bioengineering
947 09-02 Ready for proofreading Live from Tucson, AZ
P-22 puma put down
Separating Art from Artists
Rogues' Expert Advice
Arizona - -
946 08-26 Ready for proofreading - Proteins - -
945 08-19 Ready for proofreading - Medieval jesters - -
944 08-12 Ready for proofreading "5 to 10 Years" Oldest living things - -
943 08-05 Ready for proofreading What's the Word?
Quickie with Bob
Electric Vehicle Myths
Volcanos - -
942 07-29 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Steve - - -
941 07-22 Ready for proofreading - Animal sound tropes - -
940 07-15 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week - - Andrea Jones-Rooy,
political, social, & data scientist
George Hrab, musician & skeptic
939 07-08 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - - -
938 07-01 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? Computers - -
937 06-24 Ready for proofreading - Lesser-known dramatic events - -
936 06-17 Ready for proofreading - - David Kyle Johnson,
professor of philosophy
935 06-10 Ready for proofreading - Weird foods - -
934 06-03 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - - -
933 05-27 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Cara Scientific disciplines - George Hrab, musician & skeptic
932 05-20 Ready for proofreading Name that Logical Fallacy
Potent Quotables
Butterflies - -
931 05-13 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - - -
930 05-06 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? - Brian Brushwood,
magician, podcaster, author
929 04-29 Ready for proofreading - Artificial intelligence - -
928 04-22 Ready for proofreading - Fungi - -
927 04-15 Ready for proofreading Name That Logical Fallacy Plastic Jon Bornstein, COO,
Amprius Technologies
926 04-08 Ready for proofreading - Technologies older than you think - SGU patron Dan Scheffer
925 04-01 Ready for proofreading - - Blake Lemoine, software engineer -
924 03-25 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? Random facts - -
923 03-18 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Steve Improvements in technology Derek Muller, science communicator -
922 03-11 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week COVID-19 pandemic news - -
921 03-04 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob Ancient bizarre medical treatments - F. Perry Wilson, nephrologist
920 02-25 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Steve Life - -
919 02-18 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Jay Death Richard Wiseman,
professor of public psychology
918 02-11 Ready for proofreading Potent Quotables
Quickie with Steve
Ridiculous proposals - -
917 02-04 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - - -
916 01-28 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? Energy-efficient homes - -
915 01-21 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Jay Technological advances - -
914 01-14 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week - - -
913 01-07 Ready for proofreading 2023 Psychic Predictions New species discovered in 2022 - -
  2023 [↑]   (Episodes 913-964)