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This style of template is for collating a year's list of episodes into a table sortable by date and other notable SGU episode features. The column headers for episode features are listed left to right in order of the typically most common occurrence. That is, more episodes have special "non-news" segments than have SoF games with a theme, and more episodes have SoF games with a theme than have interviews.

Previous year: 2021 - Episodes 808-859

Following year: 2023 - Episodes 913-964

Hide episodes  2022 [↑]   (Episodes 860-912)
Ep. Date Sts. Non-News Segment(s) SoF Theme Interview Guest Rogue(s)
912 12-31 Ready for proofreading 2022 Year in Review Science news items from 1922 - Ian Callanan, SGU tech-guru
911 12-24 Ready for proofreading - Arizona law - -
910 12-17 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? Emerging technologies Mark Ho, cognitive scientist -
909 12-10 Ready for proofreading Potent Quotables Rare weird diseases - SGU patron Brian Newell
908 12-03 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob Captain Obvious - -
907 11-26 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? Turkeys - -
906 11-19 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week - - -
905 11-12 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week Common animal myths - -
904 11-05 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob
History of Vibrators
Apples - Ajia Mae Moon, cannabis activist
903 10-29 Open for transcription What's the Word? USA-Australia relationship - Richard Saunders, skeptic
902 10-22 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Jay 19th-century pseudoscience - -
901 10-15 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob - - -
900 10-08 Ready for proofreading What's the Word?
Quickies with Steve
Adapting to climate change - -
899 10-01 Ready for proofreading Forgotten Superheroes of Science Failed inventions Tim Dodd,
the Everyday Astronaut
898 09-24 Ready for proofreading - Global warming - SGU patron David Almeda
897 09-17 Ready for proofreading Is It Real? Golden Goose Awards - -
896 09-10 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob
Death by Pseudoscience
Social Psychology - -
895 09-03 Ready for proofreading - Common myths Dr. Seema Yasmin,
science communicator
894 08-27 Ready for proofreading Dumbest Thing of the Week Florence, Italy - -
893 08-20 Ready for proofreading Live from NECSS Misinformation - Andrea Jones-Rooy,
political, social, and data scientist
and Kelly Burke,
from Guerrilla Skeptics of Wikipedia
892 08-13 Ready for proofreading USA's New Climate Bill Robots - -
891 08-06 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob Materials Science - -
890 07-30 Ready for proofreading What's the Word? Edible plants - -
889 07-23 Ready for proofreading Cara's Cancer Experience - Brian Dunning, host of Skeptoid -
888 07-16 Ready for proofreading Potent Quotables - - Andrea Jones-Rooy,
political, social, and data scientist
887 07-09 Ready for proofreading The Fate of Fireworks Weird Science Dr. David Stanton, paleogeneticist George Hrab, musician & skeptic
886 07-02 Ready for proofreading Quickie with Bob
Cara's Upcoming Surgery
Snakes - -
885 06-25 Ready for proofreading Secret of Skinwalker Ranch Geology - -
884 06-18 Ready for proofreading - Science Misconceptions - -
883 06-11 Ready for proofreading Green Bank Radio Observatory visit Hidden Theme! - -
882 06-04 Open for transcription Quickie with Bob - - -
881 05-28 Open for transcription Name That Logical Fallacy Which is older? Naomi Rowe-Gurney,
NASA Planetary Scientist
880 05-21 Open for transcription - Which is bigger? - -
879 05-14 Open for transcription Dumbest Thing of the Week - - -
878 05-07 Open for transcription Quickie with Bob
Jay's Critical Thinker award
Critical Thinking - -
877 04-30 Ready for proofreading Shameless Promotion Future technology - -
876 04-23 Open for transcription - Bermuda - -
875 04-16 Ready for proofreading Live from Boston
Overrated or Underrated?
New England geology - George Hrab, musician & skeptic
874 04-09 Open for transcription - IPCC 2022 report John Kiss, plant physiologist -
873 04-02 Ready for proofreading Live from NYC
Political Science of War
Ancillary skills of U.S. presidents - Andrea Jones-Rooy,
political, social, and data scientist
872 03-26 Open for transcription Name That Logical Fallacy
More on Permanent DST
Bread - -
871 03-19 Open for transcription Permanent DST in the USA - Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, NAMLE -
870 03-12 Open for transcription Quickie with Bob - - Brian Wecht, string theorist
869 03-05 Open for transcription - Ukraine - -
868 02-26 Open for transcription Quickie with Bob - - -
867 02-19 Open for transcription Name That Logical Fallacy
Today I Learned
- - -
866 02-12 Open for transcription Potent Quotables - - -
865 02-05 Open for transcription Quickie with Bob Materials Science - -
864 01-29 Open for transcription What's the Word? - - -
863 01-22 Open for transcription 5G and Airlines Advances in technology Dr. Brad McKay,
science communicator
862 01-15 Ready for proofreading Name That Logical Fallacy HIV - -
861 01-08 Open for transcription 2022 Psychic Predictions - - -
860 01-01 Open for transcription 2021 Year in Review 2021 - Ian Callanan, SGU tech-guru
  2022 [↑]   (Episodes 860-912)