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This template inserts into a box a link to the New Noisy segment of the most recent-to-the-episode WTN, with the answer initially collapsed.



This template is used at the beginning of the Who's that Noisy section of Episode 780:

|episodeNum		=  779
|answer			=  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfsZ585gTnE&t=39s Golden Gate Bridge's New Sidewalk Railing Slats]<ref name=kqed>[https://www.kqed.org/arts/13881451/the-golden-gate-bridge-sounds-like-a-david-lynch-movie-now KQED: Why the Golden Gate Bridge Is Now a Giant Orange Wheezing Kazoo]</ref>

and produces:

This box links to the New Noisy section of Episode 779, with the answer initially collapsed in case the reader wants to go to the previous episode to see the time stamp of the new Noisy and perhaps listen to or read the Noisy creator's hints/comments or other Rogues' quasi-guesses. Because a reference is used in the actual transcript (see the preview), it shows up in the References section of the Episode 780 transcript.


This template is used three times at the beginning of the Who's that Noisy? section of Episode 907, where Jay reuses three Noisys from 2015, and has a different parameter for the respective episode number for each Noisy:

|pastnoisy			= 500
|answer				= (answer hidden!)
|pastnoisy			= 517
|answer				= (answer hidden!)
|pastnoisy			= 515
|answer				= (answer hidden!)

In this second of two episodes recorded back-to-back, Jay challenges the Rogues to guess at the three old Noisys.
(Currently the answers are lacking better descriptions and any relevant links, if available.)


|pastnoisy		=  NNN <!-- if applicable,
	Enter episode number for a reused Noisy, answered in a past episode other than the most recent; see Episode 907 for an example.
	If a past noisy is not being reused, don't use this parameter. -->

|episodeNum		=  NNN <!-- episode number for previous Noisy -->
|answer			=  _brief_description_of_answer_ _perhaps_with_a_link_