SGU Episode 128
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SGU Episode 128 |
January 2nd 2008 |
(brief caption for the episode icon) |
Skeptical Rogues |
S: Steven Novella |
B: Bob Novella |
R: Rebecca Watson |
J: Jay Novella |
E: Evan Bernstein |
Quote of the Week |
A ghost is someone who hasn't made it - in other words, who died, and they don't know they're dead. So they keep walking around and thinking that you're inhabiting their - let's say, their domain. So they're aggravated with you. |
Sylvia Browne, American "medium" |
Links |
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Show Notes |
Forum Discussion |
You're listening to the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe, your escape to reality.
News Items ()[edit]
Science Based Medicine blog ()[edit]
Psychic Predictions for 2007 ()[edit]
- From Sylvia Browne, Pat Robertson and others
John Edward to channel Steve Irwin ()[edit]
Masters in Creation Science in Texas ()[edit]
Amulets vs Bullet Proof Vests ()[edit]
Questions and E-mails ()[edit]
SGU for Teachers ()[edit]
Hey guys. I guess that you probably get a lot of emails like this. But, as a professor, I can think of a half dozen or so times when a student has told me that I made a difference in their lives, and nothing in my career so far has given me more personal and professional fulfillment. So, I'm listening to your 2007 wrap up today, and I just wanted to take a moment to say, thanks. You have all made a difference in my life, in the way I look at the world, and in the way I teach my students. I recommend your podcast in every class, and I've even seen students cite it (meaning they actually were listening!). I look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2008, and I hope to meet some or all of you at some point, maybe at a TAM or something. Deepest respect and regards, Sean
Sean M. Rafferty, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology
University at Albany
Magic Foot Pads ()[edit]
Dear Skeptical Rogues,
I happen to see a commercial on a cable tv channel that appears to be a new twist to an old scam.
The ad was for Kinoki Detox Foot Pads. These are special pads that stick to the bottom of your feet at night. The pads 'absorb' all types of toxins from your body . such as mercury, lead, pesticides . and likely also all types of bad 'Juju'. The pad looks like a funny Kotex made to fit your foot! I am sure the makers of the 'product' are rolling in the aisle laughing at the gullibility of America and unfortunately also rolling in the money from sales this scam.
The web site is:
One reason ads such as this one are seen on tv is the simple fact most of America is scientifically illiterate and will believe the pseudoscience in ad. the second reason is non-prime time ads on cable channels are extremely cheap to place.
Akron, Ohio
Science or Fiction ()[edit]
Question #1: Scientist have filled in a missing gap in the evolution of RNA-protein systems from RNA. Question #2: The Journal for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology have just published a position paper in which they advocate the teaching of Intelligent Design along side Darwinian evolution in public school science classrooms. Question #3: Sociobiologist E. O. Wilson has proposed a controversial mechanism for the evolution of social insects that involves colony-level selection rather than individual selection.
_Rogue_ Response[edit]
_Rogue_ Response[edit]
_Rogue_ Response[edit]
_Rogue_ Response[edit]
_Host_ Explains Item #_n_[edit]
_Host_ Explains Item #_n_[edit]
_Host_ Explains Item #_n_[edit]
Answer | RevealItem |
Host | RevealResult |
Rogue | RevealGuess |
Skeptical Puzzle ()[edit]
Last Week's puzzle:
Two famous skeptical events are related. One lasted about 18 seconds. The other happened 4 years later and lasted about 58 seconds.
What were they?
Answer: The Zapruder Film, and the Patterson Bigfoot Film
Winner: Richard Fine Man
Quote of the Week ()[edit]
All quotes from Sylvia Browne:'A ghost is someone who hasn't made it - in other words, who died, and they don't know they're dead.So they keep walking around and thinking that you're inhabiting their - let's say, their domain. So they're aggravated with you.A spirit is, like, your mother, my dad, who've made it. They can come around, but they come around in a loving way because they've already made it to God. Most people make it.Animal totems, like the tiger, come from the Other Side to protect us while we are away from Home.Let me assure you that all of our pets, and animals of every kind will be with us for eternity on the Other Side.The more painful it is, tragically, the more you do learn, though, that's the good part.The weeds keep multiplying in our garden, which is our mind ruled by fear. Rip them out and call them by name.What age is the spirit?'Thirty. All thirty. When I found this out, I said, Why 30? Why not 40? Why not 50? Why not 12? It just happens to be 30.'
S: The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is produced by the New England Skeptical Society in association with the James Randi Educational Foundation and For more information on this and other episodes, please visit our website at For questions, suggestions, and other feedback, please use the "Contact Us" form on the website, or send an email to If you enjoyed this episode, then please help us spread the word by voting for us on Digg, or leaving us a review on iTunes. You can find links to these sites and others through our homepage. 'Theorem' is produced by Kineto, and is used with permission.
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