Template:SGU list entry

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This template can be used to add formatted entries to a sortable table, ideally for the SGU Episodes page.


Entries should be added in order, as the table does not automatically order itself on opening.

The parameter "status" can be one of the following: "incomplete" to enter the transcription in progress icon (Transcription in progress), "proofread" to enter the magnifying class icon (Ready for proofreading) when transcription is complete, and "verified" to enter the tick icon (Transcript Verified) when the transcript has been verified as being proofread. Leaving it blank will automatically enter "open" to enter the open icon (Open for transcription), indicating that sections are open to other transcribers.


{{SGU list entry
|episode	=
|date		= Mon(th) D(ate)	<!-- three-letter month, non-zero-padded date more visually appealing  -->
|status		=	<!-- enter "incomplete", "proofread", or "verified", or leave blank to indicate "open" -->
|sort_other 	=zzz	<!-- delete if "other" has named entry -->
|other		=	<!-- enter Y, N, or episode feature /internal link -->
|sort_theme 	=zzz	<!-- delete if "theme" has named entry -->
|theme 		=	<!-- enter Y, N, or theme name/ [[SGU_Episode_NNN#theme|_theme_title_]] -->
|sort_interviewee =zzz	<!-- delete if "interviewee" has named entry -->
|interviewee	=	<!-- enter Y, N, or interviewee name, or [[SGU_Episode_NNN#interview|_interviewee_,_description_]] -->
|sort_rogue 	=zzz	<!-- delete if "rogue" has named entry -->
|rogue		=	<!-- enter Y, N, or guest rogue's name & description -->