
From SGUTranscripts
Revision as of 06:51, 31 December 2022 by Xanderox (talk | contribs) (adding space)
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This style of template is for collating a year's list of episodes into a table sortable by date and other notable SGU episode features. The column headers for episode features are listed left to right in order of the typically most common occurrence. That is, more episodes have special "non-news" segments than have SoF games with a theme, and more episodes have SoF games with a theme than have interviews.

To add entries, insert:

{{SGU list entry
|episode	=
|date		= MM-DD	<!-- zero-padded month and date  -->
|status		=	<!-- enter "incomplete", "proofread", or "verified", or leave blank to indicate "open" -->
|sort_other 	=zzz	<!-- delete if "other" has named entry -->
|other		=	<!-- enter Y, N, or episode feature /internal link -->
|sort_theme 	=zzz	<!-- delete if "theme" has named entry -->
|theme 		=	<!-- enter Y, N, or theme name/ [[SGU_Episode_NNN#theme|_theme_title_]] -->
|sort_interviewee =zzz	<!-- delete if "interviewee" has named entry -->
|interviewee	=	<!-- enter Y, N, or interviewee name, or [[SGU_Episode_NNN#interview|_interviewee_,_description_]] -->
|sort_rogue 	=zzz	<!-- delete if "rogue" has named entry -->
|rogue		=	<!-- enter Y, N, or guest rogue's name & description -->

Previous year: 2019 - Episodes 704-755

Following year: 2021 - Episodes 808-859

  2020 [↑]   (Episodes 756-807)
Ep. Date Sts. Non-News Segment(s) SoF Theme Interview Guest Rogue(s)
807 Open for transcription ? ? ? ?