Template:Adding links for all

From SGUTranscripts
Revision as of 06:17, 3 August 2022 by Xanderox (talk | contribs) (purpling it up)
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  Emblem-pen-purple.png This episode is in the middle of having links added (as of {{{date}}}).
To help avoid duplication, please do not add links in this transcript while this message is displayed.


Include this template when you start adding links throughout an entire transcript so that other people know it is being worked on.

Please note that if the transcription page is not edited for a long period, this template may be removed by admin and made available to other contributors.


The date on which the page was claimed must be added:

  • date – date at which page was claimed

Additional options:

  • linker – your username


{{Adding links for all
|date        = 2014-08-07
|linker     =  D_Inwood


{{Adding links for all
|date = 
|linker = 